Cartoon Fish. A cartoon fish film which tells the story of fishing adventures of a clown fish named Merlin ( Albert Hooks )who lived on the Great Barrier Reef, Merlin lost his only son named Nemo ( Alexander Gould ). When Nemo's first day of school, he dared to appear on the surface of the sea even though his father had often warned Nemo about the dangers he faced when he tried to surface. When on the surface of Nemo is accidentally caught by boats fishing crawler and taken to the home of a dentist in Sydney.
Knowing that his son's disappearance, Merlin panicked and tried to find Nemo, accompanied by a fish named Dory ( Ellen DeGeneres ) who suffer short-term memory loss. During the journey to save Nemo from the dentist in Sydney, Merlin and Dory meet a lot of dangerous creatures such as sharks, angelfish, and a jellyfish. While his father was still searching, Nemo is now in the dentist's aquarium trying to figure out how to escape from the aquarium before the dentist's cousin took it as a pet. Nemo eventually escaped with the help of his new friends and fellow residents after moving the tank can re-live all of life as ever.
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