Cartoon Fish. In the second sequel to a cartoon fish, the litle mermaid II with the title "Return to the Sea" tells the story of Ariel's life with her husband, Prince Eric who have faced obstacles in their daughter, Morgana, the brother of evil sea witch Ursula (voiced by Pat Carroll).
Before you can say "Briar Rose," Melody's parents tried to protect their daughter from a secret all this time they hide and forbade their daughter to study sea during morgan still exist around the sea. Now secretly their daughter, melody budding frolics in the sea with Ariel's old friends, Sebastian and Scuttle. When he discovered the truth from Morgana, Melody is the unwitting pawn in her scheme - and her mother, Ariel must return the sea to help Melody.
Like other sequels made-to-Video Disney cartoon fish to The Little Mermaid II fish looks and sounds beautiful (and brings together many talents and vocals). Four to nine years of age who grew up with the original would be happy to see my friends again. A new set of artists has developed a four-song interesting and fun new characters, including Tip and Dash, a pensive penguin and his blubbery walrus. However, where the beauty and the beast has accidentally Christmas-themed match, and Pocahontas told the story of the historic trip to England, the argument here is very forced. It is almost a remake of the first film with different characters. Tip and Dash are a reincarnation of Timon and Pumbaa, and Morgana is exactly like her brother, to save more subtle. In addition to music stars, this sequel does not need to also missing another important aspect of the original - heart.
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