Cartoon Fish. This is the latest cartoon fish film from Studio Ghibli's work to nine-known Japanese animation director, Hayao Miyazaki. After the commercial success with previous work "Howl's Moving Castle" is a lot of criticism, this time Miyazaki displays a fantasy tale of struggle a little goldfish who wants to become human.
This cartoon fish film tells the story of a goldfish trapped inside the bottles and garbage at sea rescued by Sosuke, a 5-year-old boy who lived with her stepmother, named Lisa. By Sosuke, a goldfish named Ponyo it. Ponyo accidentally taste of human blood after the finger licking wounds Sosuke. After some time hanging out with Sosuke, Ponyo arising desire to be human. Supported by magic power he had and never tasted human blood, Ponyo began to grow legs and hands like a human.
Course of business Ponyo who wants to become human just is not running smoothly. Fujimoto, a former human who was turned into keepers tried to hinder the preservation of the sea. For Fujimoto, humans are not more of disgusting creatures that damage marine life and contaminate everything in it with garbage.
Like the earlier works of cartoon fish film, Miyazaki this time also raised the issue of environmental sustainability and its habitat, especially sea. Miyazaki return to his old style of making anime-style fantasy of a simple story with lots of visual language, as it has done when creating works of My Neighbor Totoro legendary. According to the newspaper, Miyazaki stepped in to draw their own concept of ocean images along with the ocean waves to create a unique style.
With the style is simple and easy to understand stories like these, Ponyo is attracting considerable interest from small children to adults to watch it. Although the idea of a simple story, a deep meaning can be perceived by people who want to think about the concept of man himself. Look at the former figure Fujimoto man but turned to hatred against mankind. Also figures of the old grandmother who lives in a nursing home.
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